Awards & Merit
November 9, 2023 2025-03-04 15:25Awards & Merit
Each year, members of our bargaining unit apply for merit from their school and college. Each school and college sets the criteria for qualifying for merit and distributes those guidelines along with instructions for the merit application process. The requirements and process looks a little different in each school and college and some departments have merit committees that are involved in the process. You should reach out to your department chair and/or Dean’s office to learn about the guidelines for your school and college and to learn about any departmental processes. Starting in
The minimum size of the merit pools and therefore the minimum number of points schools and colleges must award each year is set during negotiations and set in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Similarly, the basic structure for the merit application and decision process are established in the CBA. the In the 2023 round of negotiations, TAUP was able to establish a merit process for APs for the first time, removing the ambiguity and favoritism from the process.
Because negotiations put a pause on merit allocations for 2023, those merit awards have not yet been made public. We anticipate those awards will be paid out in the January 2025 paychecks. When we receive the full merit allocations, we’ll update this page.
2023 Academic Professional Merit Awards
Merit for the 22-23 AY was awarded in the January 2025 paycheck. We expect that merit awards for the 23-24 AY will be reported in April and paid out in the May paycheck.