FAQs for Adjuncts
October 27, 2023 2023-10-27 4:33FAQs for Adjuncts
I signed my contract...now what?
Once you’ve signed and returned your contract, go to the information area on the 1st floor of the Howard Gittis Student Center at 1755 N. 13th Street, (13th and Montgomery) and ask to be directed to the office for new faculty IDs. Bring a form of identification with you (driver’s licence, etc.).
Activate your AccessNet Account and set up your TU emailYour AccessNet Account is the starting place for all of the Temple online resources. Once you have your TUID, you can activate your account here: https://accounts.temple.edu/cgi-bin/accounts.cgi?action=createLogin
Access TUPortalOnce you have an AccessNet username and TUsecure password you can gain entry to the TUportal https://tuportal.temple.edu/ which offers a single sign-on gateway to Temple’s most frequently used online services including your classlists, TUmail, Canvas, OWLnet, MyBackpack, Diamond Dollars, Employee Self Service and TUlibrary.
Free Adjunct Parking
Temple offers free parking for adjuncts at specific lots on three of its campuses. The parking benefit is intended to help adjuncts in getting to class, meetings and required events on time. When an adjunct is hired, their department pays for a semester of parking based on the number of days you teach. If you are on campus on days that you are not required to be there for your department, you shouldn’t use your swipe card for parking. You can use a lot, but you’ll need to pay for it.
Process for Receiving Your Parking Benefit When you receive your Offer of Employment email and follow the link to the Human Resources website to sign your Offer Letter, make sure you fill out the Adjunct Parking Application under the Tasks tab. Your department will not be able to allocate parking funds for you unless you fill out this form (you can fill it out after the semester has started as well). You should allow 24 hours for the funds to be designated to you before visiting the Parking Office with your Temple ID. The online form must be completed every semester that you wish to receive the parking benefit.
Parking Info for Returning Adjuncts Parking Services now requires adjuncts to renew their parking benefit every semester. BEFORE PULLING YOUR CAR INTO A TEMPLE PARKING LOT GO TO THE OFFICE AT THE LOT WITH YOUR ID. If you pull your car into the lot beforehand, you will have to pay for your parking that day. If that happens, get a receipt so you can ask your department for a reimbursement.
Parking Info for New Adjuncts Before you pull your car into a lot, go to the Office of Parking Services on your campus. You will need your TUID, your driver’s license, and information about your car (make, model and license plate number). They will connect your ID with the funds from your department, and will give you a tag to hang from your rear-view mirror. You will swipe your ID when you enter and exit the lot. When you swipe, you will be able to see the funds left in your parking account.
Parking Accommodations Any adjunct faculty member who needs a parking accommodation for a disability should contact the Office of Parking Services at 215-204-5301 to make arrangements.
Parking offices Main Campus Office of Parking Services located at 11th & Montgomery Avenue, Lower 215-204-0817. Open 9am-5pm all year, 9am-8pm for the first week of classes.
Ambler Campus Cash Operations Office, Room 101 West Hall; 267-468-8250. Open M-TH 8:30am-5:30pm and F 8:30am-5:00pm.
Center City Campus TUCC has negotiated discount parking rates with at three nearby garages (Central Parking and Standard Parking). In order to get the discount rate you must show your Temple faculty ID card and request a validation coupon at TUCC. Validation coupons and rates are available at the security desk in the ground floor lobby area. Coupons for the 1500 Market Street day rate are available at the reception desk in the campus administration office on the 2nd floor.
Preparing Your Course
(From the Temple University Adjunct Handbook)
Whether your appointing unit provides you with a syllabus or whether you will be helping to create one with the help of your appointing unit, please ensure that you become familiar with the Policy on Course Syllabi (Policy #02.78.13): http://policies.temple.edu/PDF/313.pdf.
Unless part of your responsibility is to develop a course syllabus, each person appointed to the adjunct faculty to teach shall receive from the appointing unit, at a reasonable time before the beginning of his/her teaching assignment, a copy of the standard course syllabus to be used in the course. Should a standard course syllabus not be available, the appointing unit shall provide one or more of the following: (a) a syllabus for the course when it was recently taught, (b) the course description and/or outline that was presented at the time the course was approved by the academic unit, (c) and/or a reasonably full statement of the course’s purpose and objectives within the curriculum of the appointing unit.
For specialized content areas in which the adjunct faculty member creates a new syllabus, please ask your department chair or the Dean to provide you with a copy of the school/college procedures for review and approval of the syllabus.The Policy on Course Syllabi clearly outlines what all Temple instructors must include in the course syllabus.
A brief outline of syllabus requirements
- Your name, TU e-mail, and office address and office phone number, if they have been provided.
- Limitations/guidelines for student contact with you (specific times when you do not wish to receive communication or reasonable expectations students should have about response time to e-mail or other messages.)
- Course name, number and any co-requisite or prerequisites for enrollment in the course or other special skills or knowledge for effective participation in meeting course requirements.
- A disability disclosure statement that invites students to disclose special needs. For example: “Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible”. Please contact Disability Resources and Services at 215-204-1280 (voice), 215- 204-1786 (TTY), in 100 Ritter Annex for assistance in providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. http://disabilityresources.temple.edu/
- Course meeting times with dates for special sessions, field trips, and/or other activities.
- A full and reasonably detailed statement of the course goals, including the substantive knowledge to be learned, any methods or techniques of learning that the student is expected to master and the learning outcomes for students that you hope to achieve.
- All required readings, learning materials, instructional supplies, equipment, or other materials that students are expected to use in the course, including, but not limited to: a list of all reading, learning materials and/or supplies students are expected to acquire, any materials that will be provided to students as well as when they will be available and where they can be obtained, a statement of other required/recommended materials and where these may be obtained. If you need to order a book for the school book store to stock for your students, ask your chair about the time frame for doing so, and how you make the request.
- A statement of all exams, quizzes, papers, demonstrations, exhibits, presentations, etc. and the date, time, and location at which they will occur or when those materials will be submitted.
- Your class attendance policy and any impact on student grades that may be associated with it.
- A statement of the grading policy, including the weight attached to any of the exercises or evaluations provided for in the syllabus and weight given to class participation by students.
- Your office hours and whether you are available by appointment at other times, including the manner in which such appointments may be made. Discuss your office hour requirements with your chair/supervisor. If you maintain a website, bulletin board, or other online means of communication for students, you should indicate whether and when those forms of communication may be used by students wishing to communicate with you without coming to your office.
- No later than the first day of classes, you are required to provide two copies of the syllabus for each course you are teaching to the department office/school/college. One copy will be kept by the office and the other will be forwarded to the library or other designated repository.
For more information go here https://computerservices.temple.edu/lms-transition-canvas
Where to Find Information You Need for Your Syllabus
Find the first and last days of classes, holidays, study days, final exam dates, etc. http://www.temple.edu/registrar/documents/calendars/
Course DescriptionsIf you haven’t received a course description from your chair you can request one, or you can look it up in the Temple Bulletin http://bulletin.temple.edu/
Course Location and Other Detailed InformationTo find more detailed information, such as class location, time, and more, search through the Course Catalog on Banner https://prd-wlssb.temple.edu/prod8/bwckctlg.p_disp_dyn_ctlg
Info for using Copyrighted MaterialsIf you are not familiar with copyright guidelines in academia, use this resource before using materials authored by others in your class: http://guides.temple.edu/copyright
GradingTemple’s guidelines for grades http://bulletin.temple.edu/undergraduate/academic-policies/grades-grading/
Temple DirectoryYou can find phone numbers, email addresses and physical address of individuals or offices at Temple through the Cherry and White Directory https://directory.temple.edu/
Temple's Libraries
The libraries hire individuals with expertise in specific academic disciplines. You can find your subject librarian here https://library.temple.edu/services/library-instruction/specialists
Circulation/ Reserve215-204-0744 libcirc@temple.edu
Faculty ServicesGo to https://library.temple.edu/research-services to view a guide of services that the Libraries have for faculty. Also go to https://library.temple.edu/services/faculty/ for links to specific services such as research support for your students.
Remote AccessOnce you have your AccessNet login, you can access the TU Library online resources from anywhere. Go to https://library.temple.edu and log in
Ask a LibrarianReach a librarian by phone, email, chat or text library.temple.edu/asktulibraries asktulibrary@temple.edu
Student Support: Medical Wellbeing
If you are working with a student who needs special support of any kind, or if an emergency situation has occurred, be sure to inform your chair asap. If your chair is not available, reach out to any available full time faculty or staff member.
EmergenciesIf a student is in an emergency situation or experiencing a crisis call Tuttleman Counseling Services immediately for assistance. During normal office hours, a professional counselor is always available for walk-in emergencies. A professional counselor is available on the main campus, Monday-Friday from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Tuttleman Counseling Services1700 N. Broad Street, 2nd Floor (above Barnes and Noble), 215-204-7276
Emergencies After Regular Business HoursFor psychiatric emergency services 24 hours a day, contact: Temple’s Crisis Response Center located at Episcopal Hospital, 215-707-2577 or
Campus Safety Services https://safety.temple.edu/ at 1-1234 or 215-204-1234.
Students that require assistance off-campus should dial 911.
Students residing in Temple residence halls are encouraged to contact their RA or RD for assistance. Campus police are available at all times by dialing 1-1234 from a campus phone, or by dialing 215-204-1234 from off campus.
Student Health Services Student Health Service locations exist at Main Campus, Ambler and the Health Sciences Campus.They are open Monday through Friday.
Main CampusOpen 8:30am-5pm, 1700 N. Broad Street, 4th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19121, Phone: (215) 204-7500, Fax: (215) 204-4660
Health Sciences CampusOpen 8:30am-4:30pm. NOTE: CLOSED EVERYDAY BETWEEN 11:15am-12:15pm
Student Faculty Center, Lower Basement, Room 43, 3340 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140, Phone: (215) 707-4088, Fax: (215) 707-2708
Ambler CampusOpen 7:30am-4:30pm, Health Services, West Hall, 580 Meetinghouse Road, Ambler, PA 19002, Phone: (267) 468-8490, Fax: (267) 468-8492
Students can make appointments here https://www.temple.edu/studenthealth/Appointments.html
Student Support: The CARE Team
The CARE Team is a multi-disciplinary body of stakeholders from across the University which receives referrals pertaining to students of concern, collects additional information, and then identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the situation.
The CARE Team is not for emergencies. If there is an immediate threat to a student (either through self-harm or interpersonal violence) or the community, please call Campus Safety at 215-204-1234. If you believe a student is in need of immediate psychological help, you may call the Counseling Service for a consultation or to report the incident at 215-204-7276.
For behaviors that are of concern, either because they are out of character or persistent even after being addressed, a referral to the CARE Team may be the next step. For more details on CARE, see http://www.temple.edu/studentaffairs/deanofstudents/careteam/index.htm
Student Support: Academic
Go to https://prd-clockwork.temple.edu/ClockWork/user/instructor/default.aspx and click on “courses” to sign in and see accommodation letters for students in your classes.
If you have a student who might need accommodation, send them to Disability Resources and Services, 100 Ritter Annex (004-03). They can also connect to them using this link https://prd-clockwork.temple.edu/ClockWork/custom/misc/home.aspx
Writing Centerhttp://www.temple.edu/writingctr/index.asp
Handouts for studentshttp://www.temple.edu/writingctr/support-for-writers/handouts.asp
TutoringThe Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) offers free tutorial assistance to all students enrolled in math, science, statistics, and other quantitative courses. Besides direct one-on-one tutoring, CLASS also provides students with access to a Resource Library, a student computer laboratory designed for use with math and science course work, group tutorials and final review sessions where students will have the opportunity to access examination guides, and review fundamental principles taught in their courses. CLASS also offers tutoring via the Internet at http://www.temple.edu/class/tutoring. Student inquiries are addressed within twenty-four hours. All tutoring for students is free.
The Center for Learning and Student Success (CLASS) Room 201, 1810 Liacouras Walk, http://www.temple.edu/class/Things You May Want to Ask Your Chair or Supervisor
Here are some basic questions that you might want to ask your Chair or Supervisor before you start teaching:
- Who in the department should I be contacting with general questions that I might have as I’m starting to teach at Temple?
- Do I need a key or combination to unlock and access my classroom?
- Where can I make copies during office hours? Where do I go after hours?
- Do I have access to a computer, printer, office space?
- If there is no office, are there lockers adjuncts can use? Where do I meet with my students/conduct office hours? What are the expectations for office hours
- What do I do if the technology in my class (computer, projector, lab/studio equipment, etc.) doesn’t work?
- How do I get classroom or office supplies such as chalk, erasers, whiteboard markers, erasers, paper products, stapler, etc.?
- Is there a lab fee students pay for the class, and if so, how much is it/how much is the budget for class materials?
- How are materials for my class purchased?
- What types of purchases for my class will I be reimbursed for?
- What is the process for being reimbursed?
- What is required if I will be taking students on a class trip?
- Can I invite a guest speaker to class to speak to students? Is there is an honorarium? What is the process getting someone paid.
- How will my teaching/class will be evaluated?
- Is training provided/required before teaching my online class?
- Are there meetings/events I am required to attend?
- If I need to use a university-owned vehicle, what is the process for doing so and timeline?
Standards Outside of the Classroom for Adjuncts
(From the Temple University Adjunct Handbook) Adjunct faculty members may use their Temple University faculty title as a form of identification in their professional or academic endeavors and are encouraged to do so in presentations, papers, publications, and other creative or scholarly works.
Your contract will confirm your official title:
Adjunct Instructor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Professor
Adjunct Clinical Instructor
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor
Adjunct Clinical Professor
Visiting Artist
When used in documents or correspondence, adjunct titles are to be used in full. Adjunct faculty members should not use their faculty titles to purport to represent Temple University, or to seek or solicit clients, business relationships, or other economic arrangements, or to advocate or endorse causes that are not part of their University related academic assignments.Note: When talking to the press, make it clear to the reporter that if they connect you to Temple, they should use your full title. It’s not uncommon for journalists to assume the term “professor” is used by all faculty members. Last year an adjunct was reprimanded by the administration after he was called a “professor” during a radio program.
Social MediaEven if your social media accounts are set to “private”, it is possible that colleagues and/or students may end up seeing or hearing about what you post. There are former adjuncts who believe that they were not reappointed due to posts they wrote on their private accounts. When adjuncts were in hearings in Harrisburg while fighting to join TAUP, Temple lawyers entered social media posts and responses into evidence. When you post anything online, on your own account or in response to another’s post, you should assume it will be seen by colleagues and students and base your decisions on what to post accordingly
Conflict of Interest Policy(From the Temple University Adjunct Handbook) Adjunct faculty members are expected to avoid any conflict or appearance of conflict, between their personal interest and the interests of the University in dealing with any organization or individual having, or seeking to have, any business relationship with the University or with any organization or individual whose objectives or interest may be adverse to University interests. As an adjunct faculty member at Temple, you should read and abide by the policy on Conflict of Interest – Faculty (Policy #04.16.02)
Other Useful Information
Maintain a copy of your contracts. If there is ever an issue in regard to your pay, rank, degree of teaching experience, etc., it will provide needed backup. Departments do not always maintain records on their adjunct hires. It’s up to you to maintain your record.
Spring Semester Five checks issued on the last day of each month: January, February, March, April, May.
Summer Sessions One check issued at the end of the session.
Check to be sure that you have received the correct pay based on what was agreed to in your appointment letter. The minimum per credit hour rate for adjuncts in 2020 is $1500. As of 7/1/20 the minimum will go up to $1550, and as of 7/1/22 it will be $1600.
You need Diamond Dollars to use Duplicating Service Copy Centers on campus. Diamond Dollars can be used at many venues at Temple including: The Computer Recycling Center, all vendors on Liacouras Walk – including Maxi’s Bar and Grill, Tristan Video, Master Wok, the Chop Shop, Extreme Wireless and Campus Cleaners. You can also use your Diamond Dollars at The Valaida S. Walker Food Court in the Student Center, all Lucky Cup and Barnes & Noble locations, two 7-Eleven’s, Subway, Wendy’s, the 12th Street Vendor Food Pad and Bagel Hut. You can deposit funds into your account electronically by accessing your account at http://www.temple.edu/diamonddollars/. Your University ID will instantly access those funds on deposit. Please note that you must first register before depositing money.
Benefits for Adjuncts
TAUP negotiated the first contract for adjunct faculty which was enacted in the 2017-2018 academic year. Though TAUP wanted to represent all adjuncts, Temple would not agree to include first semester adjuncts in the bargaining unit (BU). Because of this, if this is your first semester teaching at Temple, TAUP is unable to enforce your working conditions. That said, we are happy to support and offer advice to adjuncts in their first semester. Here is the definition of adjuncts included in the BU:
Effective with the signing of the agreement, the bargaining unit shall include all part-time faculty on payroll in adjunct faculty classifications during any full or partial semester provided that:
- The individual has primary responsibilities for classes or labs bearing a total of 2 credits or more or performs research or provides instruction to students as artist-in-residence or clinical adjunct faculty for 10 hours per week or more; and
- The individual has had primary responsibilities for classes or labs bearing a total of 2 credits or more or performed research or provides instruction to students as artist-in-residence or clinical adjunct faculty for 10 hours per week or more in at least one full or partial semester in the immediately preceding 3 semesters.
- All adjunct faculty members on payroll in a summer session and meeting criteria 1 and 2 above shall be included in the bargaining unit.
- All adjunct faculty on payroll who were full-time TU employees in the TAUP bargaining unit within the three immediately preceding semesters and meeting criterion 1 above shall be included in the bargaining unit.
- All adjunct faculty members who have not worked within the 4 immediately preceding Fall or Spring semesters must re-establish eligibility.
Through negotiations, the minimum per credit rate for adjuncts in the bargaining unit was raised from $1300/credit to $1425 for the Fall 2017 semester, $1500 as of Fall 2018, $1550 starting 7/1/20 and $1600 as of 7/1/22.
Health InsuranceHealth care benefits are now available to a larger number of adjuncts who are in the BU than in the past. http://www.temple.edu/hr/faculty/adjuncts/
There are two levels of health care subsidy by the University: 50% or 25% of single coverage depending on the number of semesters/courses with 2 or more credits taught by a regular adjunct in an academic year. Any regular adjunct can elect family coverage, provided the adjunct pays 100% of the additional charge for such coverage.
Eligibility for the 50% subsidy of single coverageFaculty appointed to teach two (2) courses in the current semester each bearing 2 credits or more and having taught 2 courses in at least 1 of the 3 immediately preceding Fall or Spring semesters, each bearing 2 credits or more. In the case of clinical or research faculty, working twenty (20) hours per week.
Eligibility for the 25% subsidy of single coverageFaculty appointed to teach one (1) course bearing 2 credits or more in the current semester and having taught at least 1 course bearing 2 credits or more in at least 1 of the 3 immediately preceding Fall or Spring semesters. In the case of clinical or research faculty, working ten (10) hours per week.
Eligible regular adjunct faculty may enroll in the medical plan within 31 days of their appointment date. Coverage will be effective the first of the month following enrollment and will cease at the end of the appointment. For questions, email benefits@temple.edu.
Additional Benefits Offered by TempleThe Benefits Department offers voluntary retirement contributions, health insurance, and a selection of voluntary benefits to our regular adjunct faculty members.
Voluntary Retirement ContributionsAdjunct faculty may elect to make voluntary 403(b) contributions on a pre-tax or Roth 403(b) after tax basis. Contributions may be invested at any of the funds offered by either TIAA-CREF or Fidelity Investments. Adjuncts may enroll effective the first of any month and contributions will be deducted from regular pay. For questions, email us at retirement@temple.edu.
Bookstore DiscountsAll Temple University faculty members are entitled to a 20% discount on books and school supplies at the Temple University Bookstore. Temple ID (clearly stating that you are a faculty member) must be shown at the time of purchase to take advantage of this benefit.
Gym Membership at Campus Rec Facilitieshttps://campusrecreation.temple.edu/membership
Adjuncts may pay the Campus Rec Access Fee per term at the Campus Recreation Main Office, 1800 N. Broad St. Suite 303, Pearson and McGonigle Halls with a valid OWLcard.
- Fall or Spring: $55
- Summer I and Summer II: $30
- Annual: $120
As a part time faculty member at Temple you are eligible to participate in a tax sheltered annuity plan. You should note that this benefit is available to you with no University match. For more information on making a pre-tax contribution to this plan or to request enrollment forms, please call the Temple University Benefits Office at 215 926-2270. The enrollment form can also be found at: www.tiaa-cref.org.
Are Adjuncts Eligible for Unemployment over Summer and Winter Breaks?
Contingent faculty can apply for Unemployment Compensation between academic terms, and new language from the Department of Labor has updated guidelines to clarify eligibility for state agencies as they review applicants. It takes into account adjunct employment, with new tests to determine our right to unemployment under the law.
Determining eligibility is complicated, so TAUP has been offering Unemployment Compensation Workshops to offer guidance to those who are interested in applying for Unemployment. Contact taupaft@gmail.com if you would like to participate in a workshop.
Where can I find information about my rank, pay rate, and being assessed for a promotion?
Guidelines from each school/college can be found here https://taup.org/faqs-for-adjuncts-2/college-school-guidelines-for-adjunct-appointment-rank-minimum-pay-per-rank-and-promotion/