FAST Fund Information
November 9, 2023 2023-11-09 23:23FAST Fund Information
The FAST Fund is not accepting applications at this time. Students, please contact the Dean of Students to apply for the Student Emergency Aid Fund.
“(Students)…will fail if they have no books, no pencils, no gas money to get to school, and no food in their stomachs…Covering living costs, at least enough to ensure that their basic needs are met, is a productive investment of resources ….” Sara Goldrick-Rab
There is a gap between financial aid and the cost of attending college, and because students experience economic emergencies such as a lack of food, car breakdowns, job loss or a reduction in work hours that threaten their ability to stay in school, the FAST Fund was founded to offer quick financial relief from incidents that might keep undergraduate students from continuing their studies and completing their degrees.
TAUP began administering the FAST Fund (Faculty and Students Together) at Temple University at the request of former faculty member Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab, founder of the HOPE Center for College, Community and Justice.
The FAST Fund offers emergency assistance to Temple University undergraduate students. All funds collected are used exclusively for this purpose and might be tax deductible. Some common requests at other institutions’ FAST funds have been to secure housing for homeless students or to help students avoid eviction, purchase textbooks, secure glasses, purchase gas, and help pay car repairs. We are unfortunately not able to help in paying tuition or debt, as our funds are limited.
We hope to help students from all programs at the University, and eventually would like to include graduate students. Many TU students are economically disadvantaged. Homelessness among students is a major problem in higher ed, and has been the single biggest reason students have contacted the FAST Fund in other institutions.
Students applying for the FAST Fund should also reach out to the Dean of Students’ Emergency Fund. The FAST Fund is designed to move quickly to help students, and will be available to students throughout the year.