You’ve Been Keeping up with TAUP Emails Over the Past few Months during Negotiations,

but How well do you Really Know your Contract?  

There are important new changes that everyone in our Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU) should know.  Some went into effect upon the ratification of the contract in mid-December; others are on a timeline soon to be implemented.

The contract contains many, many hard-fought rights won over decades of bargaining.  They shape our daily lives at home and at work. Everything from our salaries and benefits to the processes that govern our careers at Temple. But the value of a contract depends upon its implementation; and, in order to implement the contract, we all need to understand what’s in it.  That’s why TAUP leaders in each school will be working to ensure that everyone gets a hard copy of the contract when it is printed.

In the upcoming weeks, the administration and TAUP officers will be agreeing on a final version of the document.  It merges language from the 2014-2018 (extended to 2019) Full-time contract with the 2017-19 Adjunct contract and the new agreement that members ratified together in December.  As soon as the merged language is finalized, we will send you a link to access it on our website and will be distributing printed copies and will be in touch as soon as they’re ready. Until that time, we are posting FAQs focused on the changes that each constituent group in TAUP can expect from the new contract.  We also encourage you to attend the Contract Enforcement Training on Friday, 2/21 in Mitten Hall 250 from 12-2. RSVP here

Contract links 

Access the most recent TAUP contracts at


Access the language of each item that will be added to the preceding contracts here:


FAQ sheets for each TAUP constituency

Academic Professionals     

Adjunct Faculty


Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Tenure-Track Faculty

Tenured Faculty

And as always, never hesitate to reach out to the office ( and/or colleagues who are union leaders in your department or school.