TAUP Constitution & Bylaws

Constitution & Bylaws

TAUP Constitution
as adopted by members Oct 2023

In October 2023, TAUP members voted to ratify a new constitution and bylaws that simplified our dues structure, making it more equitable and creating the Racial Equity and Justice Council.  

Article I: Name

Temple Association of University Professionals (TAUP), American Federation of
Teachers, AFTPA, AFL-CIO, Local 4531.

Article II: Mission

TAUP is a democratic union of faculty, librarians, and academic professionals that protects academic freedom and faculty governance in 13 schools and colleges, and two libraries at
Temple University. We are committed to the historic mission of Temple University, to our obligations to our students, and to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We uphold the ideals of opportunity, quality, equity, and accountability and maintain that faculty, librarians, and academic professionals, on all tracks and of all ranks, must be treated equitably, professionally, and with respect. TAUP seeks to improve the working conditions of the members of our collective bargaining unit, the learning conditions of students, and the well-being of the wider community through collective bargaining, organizing, political action, community engagement, and the work of our members. TAUP is committed to dismantling systemic racism that intersects with discrimination based on age, class, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, religion, and sexual orientation, among others. We are committed to dismantling these systems within TAUP and Temple University.

Article III: Active Members
  1. Faculty in the schools and colleges of Temple University, academic professionals, and
    librarians, who are eligible according to the PLRB, and/or as modified by the parties in
    negotiation are members of the TAUP Collective Bargaining Unit (CBU)
  2. Active membership is contingent upon payment of appropriate dues to TAUP. All dues
    paying members in good standing shall also be members of TAUP national, state, and
    local affiliates. TAUP pays affiliate dues on behalf of members.
  3. Adjunct faculty who have been dues-paying members shall be considered in good
    standing until the start of the fifth consecutive semester (counting only fall and spring)
    that they are not working at Temple.
  4. All TAUP dues-paying members in good standing shall be entitled to the full privileges
    and benefits of membership.
  5. Only TAUP dues-paying members in good standing are eligible to vote in TAUP
    elections, and on contract ratification and other significant TAUP concerns.

Article IV: Membership Meetings
  1. The Executive Committee shall call general membership meetings no less than once a
  2. The Executive Committee may call additional meetings of the membership.
  3. At least one open meeting must be held to solicit the views of the members during the
    preparation of contract proposals.


Article V: Definitions
  1. Tenured faculty – faculty who have been granted tenure by the Temple University Board
    of Trustees.
  2. Tenure Track Faculty – faculty hired with the possibility of achieving tenure.
  3. PIRC1 Non-Tenure Track faculty – full-time faculty who are on fixed-term appointments.
  4. Adjunct faculty – part-time faculty meeting the definition provided in Article 1.C. of the
    TAUP-TU collective bargaining agreement.
  5. Academic Professionals – a full-time employee of the University whose work is
    necessary or adjunct to the teaching of students or to research functions of the
  6. Librarians – full-time professional librarians functioning primarily as librarians, on the
    Charles Library budget, the Health Science Library or in a college or school included in
    the bargaining unit.
  7. Bargaining Unit Member – a member of the TAUP bargaining unit as defined in
    Article 1 of the TAUP-TU collective bargaining agreement who is covered by the
    terms and conditions set forth in the CBA.
  8. Active member – a dues paying member. TAUP members in good standing are
    eligible to vote on union matters, including contract ratification, and to run as
    candidates in union elections.
    1 Practice, Instructional, Research, Clinical

Article VI: Retiree Members
  1. Retiree membership shall be open to all Temple University retirees who have been TAUP members in good standing for at least one year prior to retirement.
  2. A Retiree Chapter shall be established within the TAUP for the purpose of:
    1. Maintaining the ties of professional unity between working members and retirees.
    2. Representing and promoting the interests of retiree members.
    3. Providing a forum for exchanging information of interest and benefit to retiree
      members and for the expression of their views.
  3. All members of the Retiree Chapter shall hold simultaneous membership in the state and
    national affiliates as a retiree.
  4. The Retiree Chapter shall establish bylaws that delineate membership, officers,
    committees and their responsibilities.
  5. The Retiree Chapter president or a designee shall serve as a member of the TAUP
    Executive Committee and shall have voting privileges on all matters. 
Article VII: Officers
  1. The Executive Officers shall be:
    1. President
    2. Vice Presidents
      i. Vice President of Operations
      ii. Vice President of Organizing
    3. Treasurer
    4. Secretary
  2. Election of officers
    1. The President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected by the
      TAUP’s dues-paying members.
      i. The term of office for officers is two (2) years, from May 1 to April 30.
      ii. Vice Presidents will be elected in alternating years.
      iii. Candidates for President must have served for at least one year on the
      Executive Committee.
      iv. If an elected officer’s appointment to work at Temple University is not
      renewed, they may complete the balance of their elected term in the

Article VIII: General Responsibility of Officers
  1. President
    1. Shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the membership and the
      Executive Committee or may delegate these responsibilities to one or both Vice
      Presidents when appropriate.
    2. Shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees except the Elections
    3. Shall nominate, with the approval of the Executive Committee, standing and
      special committees and will designate chairs of each committee with the
      exception of the Elections Committee.
    4. Shall be the principal executive officer of the organization.
    5. Shall be the supervisor of all employees of the organization and shall work with
      the Vice Presidents of Operations and Organizing who coordinate employee
      work and projects.
    6. Shall be among the responsible financial officers of the organization and shall be
      authorized to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual
      disbursements of funds.
    7. Shall work with both the Vice Presidents to coordinate TAUP engagement and
      representation before bodies of the employer, and government representatives /
      legislators, affiliates and other unions, the public, student and community
      organizations, and the news media.
    8. Shall approve an agenda for monthly Executive Committee meetings.
    9. Shall submit a report for monthly Executive Committee meetings.
    10. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL-
      CIO body.
    11. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the convention of the American Federation of
      Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.
    12. Shall make an annual report to the organization’s membership.
    13. Shall be able to delegate the responsibilities of the office except where otherwise
      specified by the Constitution.
  2. Vice Presidents
    1. The two Vice Presidents will work with the President in overseeing the organization’s operations, organizing and communications.
      1. Vice President for Operations
        1. In consultation with the President, oversees TAUP internal operations, including but not limited to overseeing projects, systems, and procedures with staff, making sure the office can be as useful and effective as possible in working with members and TAUP elected leaders.
        2. Shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Personnel Committee.
        3. Shall co-sign financial instruments in the absence of the President or Treasurer.
      2. Vice President of Organizing
        1. In consultation with the President, oversees TAUP external operations, including but not limited to engagement and representation before bodies of the employer, government representatives/legislators, affiliates and other unions, the public, student and community organizations, and the news media.
        2. Oversees staff in organizing, increasing membership and other projects related to external operations.
        3. Attends Central Organizing Committee meetings and school/constituency meetings as needed to help shape organizing plans with staff and Organizing Committee leaders.
        4. Approves organizing plans in consultation with the President, Vice President for Operations, the lead staff organizer, and other appropriate staff members.
        5. Acts as liaison between the Executive Committee and Central Organizing Committee, working with staff organizers to ensure  that key information and strategic plans are discussed among both bodies.
      3. In the event of the absence, illness or death of the President, their duties
        shall be assumed by one of the Vice Presidents, designated by the EC.
      4. Shall each submit a monthly report to the EC for its monthly meeting.
      5. Shall perform other duties as delegated by the President or assigned by
        the Executive Committee.
      6. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL-
        CIO body.
      7. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the convention of the American
        Federation of Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated
  3. Treasurer
    1. Shall oversee the maintenance, or ensure that appropriate staff maintain all financial files and records of the organization, and assure that the appropriate staff members are properly carrying out these duties.
    2. Shall receive, record and deposit all dues monies and other income in the name of the organization, or assure that the appropriate staff member is doing so.
    3. Shall be one of the responsible financial officers of the organization and be
      authorized to co-sign financial instruments and make regular and usual disbursements of funds.
    4. Shall arrange for an independent audit of the finances of the organization annually or ensure that the appropriate staff member does so, and make the audit available to the Executive Committee, Representative Assembly and membership.
    5. Shall ensure that per capita payments are remitted on a regular basis to the
      Secretary Treasurer of the American Federation of Teachers and similar
      officers of all other bodies with which the organization is affiliated.
    6. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the Central Labor Council, and the state
      AFL-CIO body.
    7. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the convention of the American Federation of Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.
    8. Shall report to the EC concerning the budget and financial health of TAUP in monthly EC meetings.
  4. Secretary
    1. Shall prepare and distribute minutes of the meetings of the
      Executive Committee, Representative Council, and the General
      Membership Meetings.
    2. Shall collect minutes from Constituency Council and committee meetings to distribute in preparation for Executive Committee meetings.
    3. Shall serve as a member of the Executive Committee and prepare records of the Executive Committee decisions.
    4. Shall maintain, or ensure that appropriate staff maintains, all non-financial files and records of the organization including but not limited to meeting minutes, nomination and election records, documents related to negotiations such as proposals, data reports, surveys, etc.
    5. Is responsible for ensuring the maintenance of all non-financial external reports.
    6. Shall help in preparing and distributing communications to the membership and the press.
    7. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL-CIO body.
    8. Shall be, by office, a delegate to the convention of the American Federation of Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.
    9. Shall maintain accurate membership records, or ensure that the appropriate lead staff member is so doing.
Article IX: Responsibilities of Executive Committee
  1. The highest-level decision-making body shall be the Executive Committee.
  2. Its members shall comprise:
    1. President
    2. Two Vice Presidents
    3. Treasurer
    4. Secretary
    5. Five Constituency Chairs with one elected constituent representing each of the following:
      1. Academic Professionals
      2. Adjunct faculty
      3. Librarians
      4. Practice, Instructional, Research, Clinical (PIRC) Non-tenure track faculty
      5. Tenured and Tenure Track faculty
      6. One Vice Chair member from each of the three faculty Constituency Councils
      7. Retiree Chapter President
      8. Racial Equity & Justice Council (REJC) Co-Chairs
  3. Constituency Chairs
    1. Shall assist the President and Vice Presidents in the execution of their respective
    2. Shall bear responsibility for calling monthly meetings of their respective
      Constituency Councils.
    3. Shall preside at meetings of the Constituency Councils.
    4. Shall communicate and meet with members of their constituencies, work with appropriate union leadership and/or staff in responding to constituent concerns, and represent their constituents’ concerns in all aspects of their union work.
    5. Shall be responsible for member engagement and mobilization among their
    6. Shall be, by office, delegates to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL-CIO body.
    7. Shall be, by office, delegates to the convention of the American Federation of
      Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.
  4. REJC Co-Chairs

    1. Shall assist the President and Vice Presidents in the execution of their respective duties.

    2. Shall bear responsibility for calling monthly meetings of their Council.

    3. Shall preside at meetings of the Council.

    4. Shall communicate and meet with members, work with appropriate union leadership and/or staff in responding to racial equity and justice concerns, and represent their concerns in all aspects of their union work.

    5. Shall be, by office, delegates to the Central Labor Council, and the state AFL- CIO body.

    6. Shall be, by office, delegates to the convention of the American Federation of Teachers and meetings or conventions of its affiliated bodies.

  5. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
    1. Adopt an agenda for each Executive Committee meeting.
    2. Meet at least once per month and additionally as requested by the President or
      at the petition of one-third of the members of the Executive Committee.
    3. During contract negotiations meet often enough to keep apprised of all developments, proposals, and counter proposals.
    4. Vote on legal actions such as bringing grievances to arbitration, filing unfair labor practice claims (ULPs), other similar contract enforcement actions, and job actions such as picketing and strikes.
    5. Discuss, approve, and monitor compliance with TAUP’s annual budget.
    6. Formulate and vote on policies for the operation of TAUP.
    7. Approve expenditures over $300.
    8. Approve political endorsements.
    9. Appoint members to the Elections Committee and select a chair.
    10. Approve written agreements on behalf of TAUP.
    11. Approve the employment and salary of staff.
    12. Approve appointments to committees upon recommendation from the President and/or Vice Presidents, and may by majority vote, create or alter the membership of any appointed (not elected) committee at any time, including the Negotiating Team.
    13. Delegate responsibilities to any committees it may appoint or to any established by the membership. All such committees are responsible to and shall report to the Executive Committee.
    14. Oversee Standing Committees and receive regular reports from them:
      1. Grievance Committee
        1. Has primary responsibility over contract enforcement, grievances,
          arbitration, discipline proceedings, and other advocacy on behalf
          of members of the bargaining unit experiencing challenges related
          to their employment at Temple.
      2. Central Organizing Committee
        1. Has primary responsibility for working with Constituency Councils to organize Bargaining Unit Members internally and to recruit and engage new members.
      3. TAUP Staff Personnel Committee
        1. Has primary responsibility for creating staff evaluation processes and forms, proposing salary levels and increases, hearing staff complaints, and making recommendations to the Executive Committee on policies concerning staff members. The Committee conducts staff evaluations, makes recommendations for improvement as well as discipline as per the collective bargaining agreement with the Guild.
      4. Elections Committee
        1. Has primary responsibility for ensuring the integrity of elections including:
          1. Creating an annual elections calendar to be approved by
            the EC.
          2. Making sure that all election-related deadlines are met.
          3. Seeking nominations for open seats.
          4. Communicating with nominees.
          5. Making sure the vote is conducted properly.
          6. Ensuring records from the election are kept while in progress and that they are passed on to the Secretary upon completion of the election.
          7. Fill officer vacancies on an acting basis until an election can be held for the remainder of the term as provided in the Bylaws.
          8. Removal of elected individuals consistent with TAUP’s bylaws, the TAUP Constitution, and the AFT International Constitution.
Article X: Constituency Councils
  1. There shall be five (5) Constituency Councils, elected by TAUP dues-paying members, each with its own Chair. The three faculty CCs shall elect a Vice Chair.
  2. The Constituency Councils are:
    1. Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty
    2. Practice, Instructional, Research, Clinical Non-tenure track faculty
    3. Adjunct Faculty
    4. Librarians
    5. Academic Professionals
  3. For the three faculty constituencies, the Council membership shall be determined by electing the number of representatives equal to 1 member per 100 bargaining unit members in that constituency, to the nearest hundred. For Librarians and Academic Professionals, all TAUP dues-paying members shall comprise the Council.
  4. Election of Constituency Council representatives
    1. Terms of office for elected representatives will be up to three (3) years from May 1 to April 30.
    2. The TAUP dues-paying membership of each faculty constituency respectively will elect representatives from their constituency.
    3. Dues-paying Librarians and Academic Professional members will elect a Constituency Chair for each of their councils.
    4. Elected members of CCs shall elect their Chair and Vice Chair. Both shall be members of the EC.
  5. Each Constituency Council shall meet monthly during the academic year, in advance of the monthly Executive Committee meeting, and additionally as needed.
  6. Duties of Constituency Councils
    1. Their principal functions are:
      1. To organize active members and potential members around issues and
        concerns related to their jobs at Temple University, and higher education
        as a whole.
      2. To communicate issues from the particular constituency council to the EC.
      3. To communicate TAUP-wide issues from the EC to constituents.
      4. To be a forum for fielding, discussing, and working on issues of concern,
        potential grievances, etc. from members of the specific constituency.
      5. To work on issues impacting the specific constituency across the University.
      6. To take an active role in representing / working on areas of need, coordinating with TAUP staff as needed.
      7. To develop and lead programs, training, workshops, information, organizing, etc. for the specific constituency.
      8. To work with TAUP staff to introduce new University hires within the specific constituency to the Union; get training on organizing conversations; help recruit and retain membership.
      9. To identify issues and solutions around possible contract violations,
        reporting them to the Executive Officers and grievance handlers.
      10. To create and foster an engaged and mobilized membership that will ensure the growth and furthering of the goals of TAUP.
      11. To recruit and engage new members of TAUP.
Article XI: Racial Equity and Justice Council (REJC)
  1. The REJ Council shall consist of 8 members, ideally with one member from each constituency.
  2. Election of REJC members
    1. Terms of office for elected members will be up to three (3) years from May 1 to April 30.
    2. The TAUP dues-paying membership will elect members.
    3. Elected members of the Council shall elect Co-Chairs. Both shall be members of the EC.
  3. The REJC Council will, in its make-up and mission, aim to reflect the diverse population of TAUP and Temple University as a whole. Membership will be open to all members with the primary intention of fully embracing and amplifying the voices of TAUP’s Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) members.
  4. Due to the urgent need around racial equity and justice issues, the initial Council members will be appointed, rather than elected, for terms ending 4/30/24. The REJC Council will then follow the same election rules as the CCs in succeeding years.
  5. While all members of TAUP leadership– officers and constituency councils– are expected to center issues of racial equity and justice, the REJCwill be particularly responsible for focusing on these issues and bringing them to light within the context of our jobs, higher education, and the surrounding community.
  6. With this responsibility in mind, the REJC will research, identify, and report to the EC, practices within TAUP and the larger Temple community that sustain systemic racism.
  7. The REJC will work with other Temple unions, student groups, staff, administrators, and community members to undo white supremacist structures and cultures within TAUP and the larger Temple Community.
Article XII: Delegates
  1. In addition to the five Executive Officers, there shall be delegates whose function is to attend city, state, or national affiliate councils and conventions.
  2. Delegates shall be elected for a period of twelve (12) months from May 1 to April 30, at the same time as the annual election for Executive Committee members.
  3. The number of delegates to be elected shall be determined in accordance with the Constitutions and Bylaws of our affiliate organizations.
  4. Delegates shall not have voting power over any issue, except at the meetings of our affiliate organizations.

Article XIII: Recall
  1. All officers, members of the Executive Committee, and delegates are subject to recall by
    the membership.
  2. A petition brought by fifteen (15) percent of current dues-paying members shall require the Executive Committee to institute a recall vote by the membership by secret ballot on an officer or delegate. A petition brought by fifteen (15) percent of the members of a Constituency shall require the Executive Committee to institute a recall vote of a member of the Constituency Council by secret ballot of the members in that Constituency.
  3. The Executive Committee shall within fifteen (15) days have the signatures on such a petition verified by the Elections Committee that served for the immediately preceding election. If sufficient valid signatures exist, ballots shall be sent within ten (10) additional days to all members who were in good standing as of fifteen (15) days prior to the receipt of the petition for recall by the Executive Committee.
  4. A majority of the votes cast in the secret ballot shall constitute recall. Due diligence shall be taken to assure anonymity and that each person is limited to one vote.
  5. No recall vote on an officer, Executive Committee member, or delegate shall be conducted within one (1) year after a recall of this individual has failed to achieve a majority of those voting. No recall vote shall be held within ninety (90) days preceding the termination of a collective bargaining agreement, or between the expiration of an agreement and forty (40) days following the ratification of its replacement by TAUP and Temple.
Article XIV: Negotiations
  1. The Executive Committee shall choose a Negotiating Team of TAUP members a
    reasonable time before the current TAUP-Temple contract expires to prepare for and
    then conduct negotiations.
    1. It shall be the duty of this team to meet with Temple management and negotiate a successor agreement.
    2. Generally, the Negotiating Team shall include a chief negotiator, the President, the Vice Presidents and the Secretary. At least one (1) member from each Constituency Council plus a Librarian and Academic Professional shall make up the rest of the team. In special circumstances, other members may be added when their unique abilities or knowledge would prove useful to the negotiations.
    3. Any member of the team may be chosen as chief negotiator, or a specially designated person from within or outside of TAUP may be chosen.
  2. Conduct of Negotiations
    1. The negotiating team shall meet with the Executive Committee as often as necessary to keep them fully apprised of the proposals both sides may make, all tentative agreements as they may occur, and any other important aspects of the negotiations.
    2. The chief negotiator, the President and other members of the negotiating team shall discuss with the Executive Committee strategy, responses to Temple’s proposals and actions, and all other vital issues or questions that arise during negotiations. The Executive Committee shall help formulate decisions about what to do, and shall vote to approve or disapprove any such actions that are contemplated.
    3. When a Tentative Agreement is reached between Temple and TAUP, the members of the negotiating team must vote among themselves whether to approve or disapprove the document.
    4. Should the Tentative Agreement fail to gain a majority of the negotiating team’s votes, negotiations must continue.
    5. Should a majority of the negotiating team vote “yes” on the Tentative Agreement, it shall then be presented to the Executive Committee for their vote.
    6. The Executive Committee shall meet to discuss the Tentative Agreement for as long as necessary. Then a vote shall be taken.
    7. If a majority of the Executive Committee votes “no” on the Tentative Agreement, then negotiations with Temple must start again.
    8. If a majority votes yes, then the Tentative Agreement will be presented to the members of TAUP for their vote.
    9. A simple majority of voting members is sufficient for ratification of the Tentative Agreement.
    10. If the Tentative Agreement is rejected by a majority of the votes cast, negotiations between Temple University and the TAUP Negotiating Team must resume.
      [Contract ratification procedures are found in the Bylaws, VI]
Article XV: Affiliation

TAUP shall remain affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and its affiliated
bodies until a referendum of membership shall determine otherwise, in accordance with the
provision on Amendments to the Constitution. Officers and delegates shall represent TAUP at
conventions and meetings of affiliates.

Article XVI: Amendments to the Constitution
  1. Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by petition containing verified signatures of no fewer than ten (10) percent of the dues- paying members.
  2. The Executive Committee shall distribute these proposed changes, along with its recommendations, via email, to the membership at least twenty-one (21) days prior to voting. A referendum on the amendments shall be held for dues-paying members no later than thirty (30) days after a proposed amendment has been approved by the Executive Committee or has been received by petition.
  3. Votes on amendments shall take place only during the normal academic year between September 1 and May 31.
  4. Approval by two-thirds of those voting shall be required for the amendment(s) to pass.
  5. Voting shall be by secret ballot, with all due diligence taken to ensure anonymity and a
    limit of one vote per person.
Article XVII: Use of Income and Assets
  1. TAUP is a labor organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(5) of the
    Internal Revenue Code.
  2. No part of the net earnings of this organization shall inure to the benefit of or be distributed to any officer, Executive Committee member, delegate, employee or other individual, partnership, estate, trust or corporation having personal or private interest in the TAUP. Compensation for services actually rendered and reimbursement for expenses actually incurred in attending to the affairs of the TAUP shall be limited to reasonable amounts.
  3. Upon dissolution of TAUP, its assets shall be disposed of in accordance with the Constitution of the American Federation of Teachers.

TAUP Bylaws

I: Election Procedures
  1. The Elections Committee
    1. For annual elections the Elections Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee no fewer than ten (10) weeks prior to the annual election, which shall be held in the first week of April each year.
    2. The Elections Committee shall ensure that records documenting each election are maintained and are given to the Secretary within one week after all votes have been counted. Such information shall include materials that document correspondences with nominators, nominees, candidates, membership and eligibility lists, copies of nomination and election notices, voting instructions, all return envelopes, marked, challenged and unused ballots, and tally sheets, and any other materials produced that detail the process of the election. The Secretary shall ensure that all records are properly archived.
    3. Before the election date, the Elections Committee shall present to the membership a slate of nominations for Officers, Constituent Council representatives, REJC Representatives, and Delegates.
  2. Nomination by Petition
    1. Nomination by petition shall require at least fifteen (15) signatures of members in good standing.
    2. The petition must be received by the Elections Committee at least fifteen (15) days prior to the election.
    3. The Elections Committee shall present a ballot to the membership containing all candidates.
  3. Ballot and Voting
    1. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. The balloting means shall be secure, either electronic or paper, or a combination. The completed ballot shall be
      returned to a third party. There shall be appropriate guarantees that no member can vote more than once and that all voting is anonymous.
    2. The Executive Committee will use a random method to draw candidates for ballot positions.
    3. Paper mail ballots will be provided if members specifically request them. An announcement to this effect will be included with the announcement of the slate of candidates when it is sent.
    4. All positions begin on May 1 and end on April 30 of the relevant year.
    5. The terms of Constituency Council and REJC representatives will be staggered, so that at least one-third of the positions will come up for election each year.
    6. If there are only as many candidates as there are open positions, the secret ballot will be foregone and the candidates will be considered elected.
    7. For Constituency Councils and REJ Council, if there are only as many nominees as there are open positions, and if all open positions are for full three-year terms, the secret ballot procedure will be foregone and the nominees will be considered elected.
    8. If not all of the open Constituency Council and and REJ Council positions are for three years, the persons receiving the highest vote totals will get the three-year terms, up to the number of three-year terms open.
    9. Similar procedures will be used to assign two-year or one-year terms.
    10. If there are only as many candidates as there are open terms, the candidates may by mutual agreement determine who will fill the three-year terms and other terms and thereby forego the secret ballot procedure.
    11. Should no candidate receive a majority of the votes cast for an office, the Elections Committee shall within fifteen (15) days conduct a run-off election between the two candidates receiving the most votes in the initial balloting.
    12. This run-off will be conducted with the same procedures as the initial balloting.
    13. No more than half of the members elected to any Constituency Council shall come from any one school or college. If more than half of those with the highest number of votes are from a single school or college, candidates will be dropped until this criterion is met, starting with the candidate with the fewest votes and working upward.
    14. If not enough candidates are elected to fill all positions on any Constituency Council, or the REJ Council, the TAUP President, upon the recommendation of the members of the specific Council, and in consultation with the other officers, shall appoint TAUP members to fill the empty positions until the next election. The President shall endeavor to follow the spirit of representation on Constituency Councils among schools and colleges as outlined in the prior paragraph.
    15. If an elected officer, constituency council member, REJ council member, or delegate is no longer employed by Temple University, they may complete the balance of their elected term in the union if they so choose.
II: Membershp Meeting Procedures
  1. The President or their designate shall preside at all meetings of the membership.
  2. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed except that a quorum shall be 20 percent of dues-paying members.
  3. A ballot shall be required on any issue if one-half (1/2) of the members present so request except a strike vote, which shall be conducted by secret ballot after a meeting in which the current state of negotiations has been reported by the Executive Committee and opportunity for questioning and discussion by the membership has been provided.

III: Executive Committee Procedures
  1. Only dues-paying members may serve on the Executive Committee, standing
    committees or committees that the Executive Committee appoints.
  2. The tentative agenda of the upcoming meeting and minutes of the previous meeting shall be made available to members of the Executive Committee at least one week before meetings.
  3. Executive Committee meetings shall operate by Robert’s Rules of Order. Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum.
  4. The Executive Committee shall meet no less frequently than once every two weeks when negotiations are in progress and upon call of the President, but no less frequently than once a month during the academic year. If there has not been a meeting for more than a month, any three (3) members of the Executive Committee can ask for a meeting. If they do, the President shall call a meeting within five (5) days. The officers by majority vote shall set the time and place of the meetings.
IV: Replacement of Elected Officials
  1. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails to maintain their membership in the TAUP in good standing shall be dropped from membership on the Committee ten (10) days after notice of such lapse has been given by the Executive Committee unless the situation has been corrected within the ten (10) days of notice.
  2. Any member of the Executive Committee who fails for reasons other than health, work assignment, off-campus duties for the University, or extraordinary personal circumstances to attend three (3) consecutive meetings may be deemed to have resigned, unless the Executive Committee approves of the extended absence. For approved extended absences, the Executive Committee may designate an interim replacement.
  3. Whether vacancies occur from resignation, removal, or recall the Executive Committee shall hold elections for replacing Officers, as needed, within sixty (60) days to fill the unexpired term(s), provided that more than one hundred twenty (120) days remain in a term exclusive of days designated in IV.5. below
  4. For vacancies on the Constituency Councils, the TAUP President, upon the recommendation of the members of the specific Council, and in consultation with the other officers, shall appoint TAUP members to fill the empty positions until the next election. The President shall endeavor to follow the spirit of representation among schools and colleges as outlined in these bylaws, I.3.n.
  5. For vacancies requiring elections, the procedures to be followed are those generally specified for regular elections, except that no election may be held between May 31 and September 1, or December 15 and January 15.
  6. When fewer than one hundred twenty (120) days remain in the term of an officer, Executive Committee member or Delegate, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member to fill out the balance of the unexpired term.
V: Contract Ratification Procedures
  1. The full details and a written explanation of the tentative agreement reached with the
    Temple administration and then approved by the negotiating team and the EC shall be distributed to all members prior to the opening of voting.
  2. Meetings of TAUP members shall be held online after the tentative agreement has been made available to members to explain and discuss the terms of the proposed contract before the ratification votes are counted
  3. Voting on ratification will be held during the regular academic year between September 1
    and May 31.
  4. Voting shall be by secret ballot conducted by the TAUP office and overseen by a neutral party. The vote on the tentative agreement may be held electronically, as long as all standard precautions for anonymity and limiting each person to one vote only are taken. Announcement of results shall take place at a general membership meeting, and sent to members via email.
VI: Dues
  1. Changes in the dues structure must be made by the membership voting by secret ballot. The proposed change must be explained and distributed to the members no fewer than twenty- one (21) days prior to the balloting. A simple majority of votes cast is required for passage of changes to the dues structure.
  2. Annual TAUP dues shall be 1.15% of base salary for all members.
  3. Affiliate dues shall be paid by TAUP out of dues collected.

VII: Committee on Political Education

(COPE) Fund

  1. Individual members may voluntarily make COPE payments, either through payroll deduction or directly, by an amount they choose.
  2. These payments shall be transferred to the TAUP COPE Fund and may not be comingled with TAUP’s general funds.
  3. A member who wishes to take advantage of this provision will give written authorization to TAUP, specifying the amount of the contribution the member wants transferred in this manner.
  4. A member may change the specified amount once per year, to take effect January 1 of the following calendar year.
  5. A member may revoke authorization for this voluntary amount by sending written notice of revocation to the TAUP.
VIII: Amendments to the Bylaws
  1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by petition containing verified signatures of ten (10) percent of the dues-paying members.
  2. These proposed By-Law changes shall be distributed via email to the dues-paying membership by the Executive Committee with its recommendations at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the balloting. Voting must be by secret electronic ballot.
  3. Two-thirds of those voting shall be required for approval.
  4. Votes on amendments to the Bylaws shall take place only between September and May of the academic year.