TAUP Leaders & Staff

TAUP Leaders & Staff

Meet the leadership and staff at TAUP!

Jeffrey Doshna



Program Head for City Planning & Community Development


Jeffrey P. Doshna, PhD, AICP, is Associate Professor and Program Head of Planning and Community Development at Temple University. He teaches courses in community and economic development, quantitative and qualitative research methods, and supervises the graduate planning studio. Having previously served as a Borough Councilmember, he is currently Chairperson of the Flemington Borough Planning Board. Since 2022, he has served as President of the Temple Association of University Professionals, the union representing nearly 2600 full- and part-time faculty, librarians and academic professionals at Temple. His primary research area is community economic development with a focus on community development finance. Currently, he is researching the influences of neoliberalism on the practice of community development; his doctoral dissertation examined the development of the Pennsylvania Fresh Food Financing Initiative which supported the construction of supermarkets in low-income neighborhoods. He has previously conducted research on microenterprise development, state economic development policy, and efforts to promote entrepreneurship in low-income neighborhoods. He has participated in grant-based research for the US EPA, Penn DOT, NJ Department of Human Services, the US Economic Development Administration, the International Labour Organization, and has been published in the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. Dr. Doshna is also actively engaged in planning practice. He has served on the Flemington (NJ) Planning Board since 2006, supporting the creation of its affordable housing element, its sustainability element, as well as the latest revision to the Borough’s Master Plan in 2010. He was a founding member of the Flemington Environmental Commission in 2008, authored Flemington’s Natural Resource Inventory (2010), and served as Chair for 3 years. As a leading member of the town’s Green Team, he led the effort for its initial Bronze-level certification within the Sustainable Jersey Program in 2011. He regularly volunteers his time and expertise to other local planning initiatives, and serves on the boards of a number of community non-profits. He also works as a planning consultant.

Interest in TAUP

I really didn’t choose — president is generally the lead or co-lead. I am proud to represent the broad interests of our entire academic community, fighting to ensure that everyone who works at Temple is paid equitably and is treated with respect. I want to hold Temple Administration responsible for the choices they have made, and fight to make sure that they make the correct decisions for our next contract.

Danielle K. Scherer

Vice President of Operations


Political Science & Global Studies


Danielle K. Scherer is an Assistant Professor of Instruction in Political Science and Global Studies Research.  Her focus is on the politics of recognition for stateless persons. She has served as the Assistant Director of the Global Studies Program since it was created in 2015. Danielle currently serves as interim Director of the Latin American Studies Program. She came to Temple first as a graduate student pursuing Masters and then PhD in political science. While Danielle was a grad student, she served as a steward, then president and then staff organizer for TUGSA and participated in two rounds of negotiations.

Interest in TAUP

I believe that the faculty, staff, and students are the university. I wanted to fight for a strong and fair contract focused on equity, dignity, and job security to provide those who work to fulfill the educational and research mission of the university with the protections and rights they need to provide students with an excellent education.

Position Vacant

Vice President of Organizing





Interest in TAUP


Jackie Sipes



Caitlin Shanley



Coordinator of Learning and Student Success

Prema Prabhakar

Academic Professionals Representative


Performance Art with a focus on Mental Health


Prema Prabhakar’s parents immigrated to the US from Pakistan and India, and eventually landed in South Jersey, where she grew up. Prema lived in New England, California, and Oregon before finding her way back to Philly and Temple about 5 years ago. After completing her graduate studies at UC, Santa Cruz Prema worked as an adjunct instructor, and in the fields of crisis intervention and mental health advocacy. She likes to read auto-fiction and poetry, and her son insists that one of her distinctive features is that she wear lots of dresses.

Interest in TAUP

I have worked in fields: mental health, higher education that, often, discount and devalue labor seeing the work, itself, as its own reward. But it is vital to make sure that this labor and, especially, that the people who labor are seen and valued. I see my role on the table team as an act of care, as a way for me to make clear the value of my colleagues’ labor and the value of their voices at Temple.

Beth Lawson

Academic Professionals Vice Representative


CLA advising/Anthropology, Gender Studies, Religion



Beth came to Temple in 2005 as a grad student, and took a role as an academic advisor because she loves working with Temple students. During the pandemic, advisors were expected to serve far and beyond their job duties to support Temple students. TAUP can best serve Temple students with equitable pay and job security.

Interest in TAUP

I decided to join the table team in order to augment the voices of our Academic Professionals and help our union understand the valuable service that we provide to the university.

Matthew Ducmanas

Librarian Representative


Metadata and Digitization Services,
Charles Library


Matthew Ducmanas has been at Temple University since 2015 as the Special Collections Cataloging Librarian in Charles Library. Matthew works closely with the staff of the Special Collections Research Center to help provide access to the amazing collections. A dues-paying member since day one, he initially got further involved with TAUP while attending some of the first open-bargaining sessions last contract cycle.  Matthew then served as an interim Librarian Constituency Council Chair until he was elected into that position in early 2022. In early 2023, he was happy to join the table team to help secure a better contract.

Interest in TAUP

Our platform says it all: Equity. Dignity. Job Security. I am proud to serve on our table team to help build a contract that reflects these values and to represent my librarian colleagues through the process.

Katy Rawdon

Librarian Vice Representative


Coordinator of Technical Technical Services for Special Collections Research Center

Steve Newman

Tenure and Tenure Track Constituency Council Chair



Tricia Jones

Tenure Track & Constituency Vice Chair

Communication and Social Influence/conflict management



Tricia S. Jones is a Full Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Influence and Director of the Center for Conflict Management and Media Impact in the Klein College of Media and Communication at Temple University. She has also served as past President of the Faculty Senate at Temple. She is past Vice- President and Member of the Board of Directors of the Association for Conflict Management and past President of the International Association of Conflict Management. Her work in conflict management spans 35 years of teaching, research and practice in conflict resolution intervention, conflict resolution education, alternative dispute resolution, intercultural conflict, and organizational dispute system design.

Interest in TAUP

In my 34 years at Temple University I have worked for faculty voice and shared governance at all levels. At this time we have serious need more for salary equity and economic protections for all faculty. As a tenured faculty and member of the TTCC I am focused for my constituency on protecting the number and status of tenured faculty and insuring that their voice is heard in the negotiation on critical issues like T&P processes, line protection, intellectual property, supporting research activities, and securing necessary increases in pay, merit, and benefits.. oehard in the negotiationn ssuce us hearuce

Mike Opferman

Non-Tenure Track Constituency Council Chair



Mary Stricker

PIRC Constituency Council Vice Chair


Sociology/Racial Politics, Race Pedagogy


Mary Stricker received her Ph.D. in Sociology at Temple in 2001. I am politically, emotionally, and intellectually driven by issues of racial and economic justice. She believes in and actively participates in both electoral and movement politics. Mary just completed a collaborative racial auto-ethnography about the experience of teaching race studies courses with 4 of her friends/colleagues.

Mary lived in the Bella Vista neighborhood of Philadelphia for 25 years with her partner Dave, first with her two daughters, and now with her two dogs. A few of her favorite things: Unions (duh), ANTI (Deluxe), IPA (sorry, IPA haters), Green Tea, All Things Quinta Brunson, Green Curry, Cat Power, Too many shows to list, Anne Tyler, Amistad Movement Power, WFP, Dogs in the bed.

Interest in TAUP

I chose to join the table team because I realize that it is up to us to make sure Temple doesn’t abandon its status as the ONLY 4-year public university in the Philadelphia area. Students need us to be present, to be invested, to be skilled, and to mentor them academically and otherwise. We cannot fulfill these needs while so many of us are constantly worrying about whether we will have a job in a month or in a year! We cannot invest in the students that need us the most, if Temple administration continues to throw their hands in the air and tell us the “sky is falling” while other University administrations work successfully to recover their enrollments! It is up to us to make sure we will be there for our current and future students, and assure that Temple will continue to offer the quality, accessible education every student deserves.

Loryn Hilferty

Adjunct Constituency Council Chair


Modern Languages

Gregory Wolmart

Adjunct Constituency Council Vice Chair


Film & Media Arts

Kenneth Ruff

Racial Equity and Justice Co-Chair



Jasmine Clark

Racial Equity and Justice Co-Chair


Digital Scholarship Librarian

Molly Burt-Westvig

Communications Coordinator


Shannon Baudoin-Rea

Administrative Coordinator


Ben Serber

Contract Enforcement Staff Member


Josh Stern

Staff Organizer


Jenna Siegel

Staff Organizer


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