ARTICLE 20: Workload


A. Full-Time Faculty

1. The assigned workload for full-time faculty shall be reasonable and fair and shall usually consist of a combination of teaching, research and creative activities, and service to Temple University. The assigned workload of a faculty member engaged only in teaching and minimal service to Temple is (24) twenty-four semester credit hours per academic year.

2. No more than (15) fifteen credit hours may be assigned in a single semester except with the consent of the faculty member.

3. The teaching workload shall be appropriately reduced by the Dean for the following efforts: active involvement in research and/or publication or equivalent creative activity; advising of graduate theses or dissertations and/or independent study; combinations of 4 and 3 credit-hour courses or unusual contact-credit hour burdens; service to Temple University; unusually demanding courses; and the performance of administrative duties.

4. Temple may substitute the teaching of non-credit courses or workshops and participation in externally funded Temple projects for an equivalent of credit courses taught by the faculty member.

5. Temple may give a full-time faculty member a temporary alternative assignment, i.e., a teaching assignment for other than their home department, or an administrative or advising assignment. A temporary alternative assignment shall not affect the faculty member’s membership, seniority, and tenure in their home, merged, reorganized or successor department.

a. In making temporary alternative assignments, the following principles shall be applied:

(i) The proposed assignment shall be discussed by the Dean with the faculty member a reasonable time in advance of beginning the assignment.
(ii) Every effort shall be made to maintain some portion of a faculty member’s total workload in their home department.
(iii) Before new faculty are appointed in a department, faculty members of that department on temporary alternative assignment elsewhere shall first be offered the opportunity to re-assume teaching assignments within the department.
(iv) In cases of disputes over temporary alternative assignments, the final decision with a college or school shall be made by the Dean and for inter-college/school disputes, the final decision shall be made by the Provost or other designated university officer, subject in each case to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

6. Normally, faculty teach in the Fall and Spring. If Temple wishes to require faculty to teach in any combination of two (2) regular semesters other than Fall and Spring as the basic academic year, the Dean of the College or School may initiate such a plan provided that:

a. There is appropriate consultation between the Dean, the Department, and individual faculty members, and

b. Notice of semester assignments other than Fall/Spring in any year normally shall be given to the faculty member not later than twelve (12) weeks prior to the start of the assignment. Exceptions may be made for unanticipated or exigent circumstances.

c. Insofar as some courses are taught for extra compensation, consideration shall be given to the equitable distribution of such teaching among the faculty members of the Department, and, where appropriate, within the college or school.

d. A faculty member may not be required to teach without their consent and without appropriate compensation over the fall, spring, and summer semesters except as in A.7 below.

7. With the approval of Temple, an individual faculty member may substitute the summer semester for either a fall semester or a spring semester. With the approval of Temple, an individual faculty member may deploy themselves across the three semesters in a manner accepted by them without additional compensation.

8. The University Calendar

a. The Academic year shall be divided into (3) three regular semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

b. Courses may be taught in a variety of time configurations of full semester, partial semester, pre-semester and inter-semester length.

c. No more than (8) eight semester credit hours of teaching may be assigned during any partial semester, pre-semester or inter-semester. No more than (6) six credit hours may be assigned in the August partial semester. Exceptions may be made with the consent of the dean, the chair and the individual faculty member.

d. Duties for the fall semester shall begin (1) one week before the beginning of classes and faculty shall be expected to be available that week for advising students, departmental and other meetings and such other duties as may be appropriate to the academic program. Contractual obligations shall end when the assigned duties are completed.

9. Temple may, in its sole discretion, cancel classes at any of its campuses for reasons of weather or other natural or manmade emergency. Temple may, in its sole discretion, add one (1) day to the academic year for each such emergency day and reschedule classes or schedule make up classes to avoid loss of time or other academic activities.

B. Librarians and Academic Professionals

1. The assigned workload for professional librarians at Temple shall be reasonable, fair and consistent with their service and professional responsibilities.

2. Owing to the varied nature of their professional duties, librarians will be eligible for participation in the library’s Flexible Scheduling Program. If the university intends to make any changes to the policy a meet and discuss will he held with TAUP prior to implementation.

3. When a librarian’s assignment includes duties which require physical presence in the library no more than 35 hours per week of such activities will be required. In cases where it is necessary to exceed this limit, the library administration shall appropriately reduce the required hours of such service in subsequent weeks when possible.

C. Adjunct Faculty
Adjunct faculty may teach no more than 8 credit hours or perform research or creative work for no more than 20 hours per week in a single semester in all Temple units combined. Both summer semesters combined equal one semester.

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