Month: March 2018

Run for TAUP Office and Nominate Candidates for Constituency Councils


T A U P Elections 2018


Do you want to shape working and teaching conditions at Temple?  Do you have ideas for how to help TAUP better serve members? Do you have goals and ideas for the next contract campaign? Do you know someone who would be a good representative for your field or school? TAUP is seeking members  to run for a seat on one of three faculty Constituency Councils: Adjunct, Non-Tenure Track, and Tenure Track.

Constituency Council members are the active voice for their constituents among our nearly 3,000 members. They serve as the communication channel between our Executive Committee and our membership, making sure that the Executive Committee is aware of each constituency’s voices and that each constituency is aware of initiatives and questions raised by the Executive Committee. Constituency Council members help engage and recruit members so that the Union can be responsive to its members and can do the work it needs to do.  Each Constituency Council meets at least once per semester. If you want to run or have a good candidate in mind, let us know!


Constituency Council members typically serve three-year terms. Delegates serve one-year terms.

We also have seats for alternate delegates who can represent TAUP at affiliate meetings, such as the AFT national convention.  These posts are open to all dues-paying members—faculty, librarians, and academic professionals.

Incumbents may run for re-election.  There are no term-limits on Constituency Council or Delegate seats.  


How to Get on the Ballot and Election Timetable

The Nominating Committee is responsible for drawing up the slate. Any dues-paying TAUP member interested in running for a seat on their Constituency Council should send a declaration of interest and a statement of purpose (max. 250 words) to the Nominating Committee, c/o by March 30. (Members can also get on the ballot through a petition; for details, see Article I.2 of the TAUP Bylaws.)

Ballot information will be emailed to all dues-paying members on or about April 2.

Elections for the Constituency Council will take place from April 16-23.

(Note: Paper ballots will be provided upon request and will be available on or about April 16.  All paper ballots must be received at the TAUP Office (Ritter Annex 721 (004-15)) no later than noon, April 23.)

Ballot counts will be announced at a General Membership Meeting, details TBA.

Offices Available and Length of Term


  • Tenured/Tenure Track Constituency Council:


2 Three-year positions from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2021



  • NTT Constituency Council:


2 Three-year positions from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2021

1  One-year position from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019



  • Adjunct Constituency Council:  


4 Three-year positions from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2021

1 Two-year position from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2020

1 One-year position, May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019



  • Delegates:


Five alternate positions from May 1, 2018 to April 30, 2019


If you have any questions about running, please contact the TAUP office (

Current Executive Officers (terms expire April 30, 2019):

President: Steve Newman, CLA/English

Vice President: Jennie Shanker, Tyler/Art

Treasurer: Norma Corrales-Martin, CLA/Spanish & Portuguese


Current Constituency Council Members


Tenured /Tenure Track NTT Adjunct
Cheryl Hyde

CHP/Social Work

Term expires April 30, 2018

Stanley McDonald

CLA/Writing Program

Term expires April 30, 2018

Timothy Clifford


Term expires April 30, 2018

Joseph Schwartz

CLA/Political Science

Term expires April 30, 2018

open Zoe Cohen

Tyler/Visual Arts

Term expires April 30, 2018

Will Jordan


Term expires April 30, 2019

Laurie Fitzpatrick


Term expires April 30, 2019

Melissa DeGezelle

CLA/Intellectual Heritage

Term expires April 30, 2018

Jeffrey Solow – AT LARGE


Term expires April 30, 2019

Andrew Mossin –AT LARGE

CLA/Intellectual Heritage

Term expires April 30, 2019

Ryan Eckes

CLA/Writing Program

Term expires April 30, 2018

Damien Stankiewicz


Term expires April 30, 2019

Donald Wargo CHAIR


Term expires April 30, 2019

Matthew Ray


Term expires April 30, 2018

Karen Palter -CHAIR


Term expires April 30, 2020

Jeffrey Doshna

Tyler/Planning & Comm

Term expires April 30, 2020

Marsha Weinraub


Term expires April 30, 2020

Kolson Schlosser

CLA/Geo & Urban Studies

Term expires April 30, 2020

Andrew Babson


Term expires April 30, 2019

Fred Rowland

Paley Library

Term expires April 30, 2020

Milca Dubon

CLA/Spanish & Portuguese

Term expires April 30, 2019

Suzanne Seesman

Tyler/Foundations Program

Term expires April 30, 2019

Sam Allingham -AT LARGE


Term expires April 30, 2020

Paul Dannenfelser

CPH/Social Work

Term expires April 30, 2020

Wende Marshall -CHAIR


Term expires April 30, 2020

Seth Steinbacher

CLA/Writing Program

Term expires April 30, 2019


Temple Association of University Professionals

1301 Cecil B Moore Avenue (004-15)

Ritter Annex 721

Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091

Phone: 215.763.2287   email:   web site:

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Rally for a Fair Contract for Grad Students

Join Grad Students as We Rally for a Fair Contract at the Bell Tower, Weds. 3/14 @ noon!

No matter what department you do your teaching and research in, you no doubt recognize the contribution that graduate teaching and research assistants make to this university. Graduate assistants teach the majority of undergrad gened courses and lead labs, hold recitation, crunch data, write reports, hold office hours, proctor exams, and grade a multitude of essays, assignments, and exams. What you might not know is that Temple’s graduate teaching and research assistants do all of this vital work for around $15,000-$18,000 a year – roughly $1300 a month during the school year. In a rapidly-gentrifying city like Philadelphia, rents are going up and grad students often have to choose between having multiple roommates in far-flung neighborhoods or taking out loans so that they can live closer to campus or have fewer roommates.

Fortunately, the graduate teaching and research assistants at Temple have a union – TUGSA (Temple University Graduate Student Association). TUGSA has been negotiating with Temple administration since this past Fall and we are down to the wire on economics – raises, pay equity among departments, and preserving healthcare. TUGSA has been pushing for modest raises to be enacted over the life of the contract that begin to keep pace with inflation and the local cost of living.

On Wednesday, March 14th at 12pm TUGSA will be holding a Rally for a Fair Contract at the Bell Tower. As professors, leaders in your fields, and fellow union members, TUGSA is asking for your support by attending the rally and – even more importantly – showing your solidarity with graduate employees by wearing “I <3 my TA” pins and stickers on Wednesday. Please contact if you would like pins and/or stickers delivered to your office on Wednesday morning, and if you are active on social media, please post pictures and share ours using the hashtags: #I<3myTA, #WeAreTUGSA, #DoBetterTemple.


TAUP General Membership Meeting Agenda

eBulletin 20180220

TAUP will be holding a General Membership Meeting this upcoming Monday, February 26th. It will be from 6-7:30 pm, and we’ll meet in Tyler’s Architecture building room 104.

The following items are on the agenda:
General report on the Union’s activities
The Faculty Senate vote on the proposed football stadium
The FAST Fund, emergency funds for students administered by the Union
Issues for the 2019 negotiations
What we’re hearing from visits to departmental faculty meetings
What you’d like TAUP to consider

If there are issues you’d like to add to the agenda, please contact Steve Newman (President) at or Jennie Shanker (Vice President) at

The meeting is open to all dues-paying TAUP members and those who are seriously considering membership.

If you would like to invite TAUP officers to your department for a meeting, please contact


Do You Have a Student with an Emergency Financial Need?
TAUP has been asked to administer the FAST Fund, a fund for students with an urgent financial need that might challenge their ability to remain in school. Please share information about this resource with your students, as you may not be aware of all of your students’ needs.


Come to a Working People’s Day of Action, Feb. 24th
February 24th marks the 50th anniversary of the first march in Memphis for the rights of sanitation workers; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated while supporting their cause. As we continue to honor Dr. King, we continue to struggle for the rights of the people against racism, against the concentration of wealth and power that threatens to silence workers’ rights and democracy, and against other threats facing our nation and world.