Month: February 2020

Election of TAUP Representatives

You Can Run for TAUP Office
We Welcome Candidates

Do you want to shape the direction of your union? Do you have ideas for how to help the union better serve the needs of its members? Run for a seat on one of our three faculty Constituency Councils: Adjunct, Non-Tenure Track/PIRC (Professional, Instructional, Research, and Clinical Faculty), and Tenure Track.  (All dues-paying librarians and academic professionals are on their respective Constituency Councils.)

We also have seats for TAUP delegates who share in representing the TAUP at affiliate meetings and conventions of AFT, AFTPA or the Philadelphia Council AFL-CIO.  Delegate positions are  open to all members—faculty, librarians, and academic professionals.

Constituency Council members act as advisors to their constituents and the TAUP Executive Committee and serve as a conduit between the Executive Committee and members.   Constituency Council members engage members with the union’s activities, and keep the union responsive to its membership’s needs. Each faculty Constituency Council sends two members to the Executive Committee.

Constituency Council members normally serve three year terms and each Council meets at least once per semester. Each member is expected to take an active role in organizing and engaging their constituents.


  1. Tenured/Tenure Track Constituency Council: Two 3-year positions from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2023.
  2. NTT/PIRC Constituency Council: Three 3-year positions from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2023; one 2-year position from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022.  Longer terms will go to those who receive the most votes.
  3. Adjunct Constituency Council:  Two 3-year positions from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2023; two 1-year positions from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021.  The one-year terms are to replace colleagues unable to finish their terms.  Longer terms will go to those who receive the most votes. .
  4. Delegates: Five alternate positions from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021, TAUP affiliates’ delegate formulas currently allow for a maximum of seven delegates; seven positions are automatically assigned to Executive Officers and Constituency Council Chairs.  Five alternate positions allow delegate substitution as necessary.  
How to Get on the Ballot   ~   By Nomination or By Petition 

You may either self-nominate or be recommended by TAUP’s Nominating Committee. 

If you are interested in running for office and would like to learn more about it from someone who is currently serving, contact any officer or constituency council member listed below. 

To run for election:

  • You must be a dues-paying member of TAUP;
  • You must state in writing your willingness to be a candidate;
  • You must provide a statement of purpose (250 words or less) to be distributed to the membership.
  • Incumbents may run for re-election; there are no term limits on any positions.
  • To self-nominate, submit a petition signed by at least 15 dues-paying members in addition to following the process above.
    • Self-Nomination Petitions must be received by the Nominating Committee, TAUP Office, 1301 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, Ritter Annex 721 (004-15), Philadelphia, PA 19122-6091, by March 27.

Ballot information will be emailed to all dues-paying members on or about April 1.

Voting will open on April 23 and conclude on April 30.

Ballot counts will be announced at a General Membership Meeting, details TBA.

Current Executive Officers (terms expire April 30, 2021):

President: Steve Newman, CLA/English

Vice President: Leanne Finnigan, Charles Library

Treasurer: Norma Corrales-Martin, CLA/Spanish & Portuguese

Current Constituency Council Members 

Tenured /Tenure Track NTT/PIRC Adjunct
Barbara Ferman
CLA/Political Science
Term expires April 30, 2021
Max Avener
Term expires April 30, 2022
Carla Anderson-AT LARGE
Term expires April 30, 2022
Terry Halbert
FSBM/Legal Studies
Term expires April 30, 2021
Debbi Casey
FSBM/Human Resources
Term expires April 30, 2020
Jay Bagley
Term expires April 30, 2021
Will Jordan-AT LARGE
Term expires April 30, 2022
Jeffrey Doshna
City & Regional Planning
Term expires April 30, 2020
Benjamin Curttright-CHAIR
Term expires April 30, 2021
Karen Palter
Term expires April 30, 2020
Kolson Schlosser
CLA/Geo & Urban Studies
Term expires April 30, 2020
Melissa DeGezelle
CLA/Intellectual Heritage
Term expires April 30, 2021
Jeffrey Solow
Term expires April 30, 2022
Mary Stricker-AT LARGE
Term expires April 30, 2021
Milca Dubon
CLA/Spanish & Portuguese
Term expires April 30, 2021
Damien Stankiewicz
Term expires April 30, 2022
Donald Wargo -CHAIR
Term expires April 30, 2022
John (Jack) Krick
Engineering/Electrical & Computer
Term expires April 30, 2021
Marsha Weinraub-CHAIR
Term expires April 30, 2020
1 open
Term Expires April 30, 2021
Jason (Alex) Schechter
Term expires April 30, 2022
    4 open
2 expiring April 30, 2023
2 expiring April 30, 2021
Fred Rowland-CHAIR
Charles Library
Term expires April 30, 2020
Academic Professional Constituency Council Chair election in process  


The vote for TAUP Vice President has now ended, and our members have elected Leanne Finnigan (Charles Library) to serve out the term ending 4/30/21.  Congratulations to Leanne!  And thanks very much to Donald Wargo, who has done and continues to do so much for TAUP as the Chair of the Non-tenure Track Constituency Council and a recent member of our Negotiating Team.

Steve Newman
President, TAUP

Come to Learn About Your New Contract

Our contract is only as strong as our ability to enforce it. Come join us on 02/21 in Mitten Hall, room 250, from 12pm-2pm as we discuss our new contract and the process for reporting violations. RSVP Here.


There are a lot of changes to learn about, changes that affect every person in TAUP’s Bargaining Unit.  Whether you are an academic professional, librarian or member of the faculty it is important to protect your rights and those of your colleagues.

We have fought together to earn these rights, and now it’s time to ensure that the new language is understood, implemented and enforced. It’s crucial to KNOW YOUR CONTRACT!

A light lunch will be provided so please RSVP Here.