Quick Update Day 1, Fall 2018

e-Bulletin 20180827

To everyone returning to Temple this semester, welcome back! And to those of you who are new to the University, greetings, and welcome to you!

This week, you’ll be receiving a short e-Bulletin from TAUP daily. It’s our way to update you briefly on the work we’re engaged with, and what we’ll be focused on in this academic year.

Summer Work: Unions Post-Janus

As you may know, powerful private interest groups are investing heavily in disempowering unions representing public workers and higher ed is a key target. The Supreme Court’s Janus decision was the focus of every public sector union this summer.

TAUP worked alongside other AFT locals* in membership trainings, events and drives. As a result, educators in the City of Philadelphia have gained greater power to fight back against groups that oppose unions and want us all to have less of a voice in our workplaces.

As part of our resistance to Janus, we intensified the work we have already been doing. We had a great summer that included members meeting with members, knocking on doors, and listening to the issues of concern. We thank everyone who took the time to talk, invited us into their homes, shared their experiences and ideas and committed themselves to this work.

We look forward to this new school year, and enter it with a stronger membership, and with a greater understanding of the work we need to do together in the upcoming year as we head toward negotiations in Spring 2019. You can help. If you’re not a member, join TAUP. If you are a member, contact us to set up a time to talk about your interests. If you have questions about the contract, from salaries to health care to grievances, or questions about any other issue or suggestions, please contact us at taupaft@gmail.com or 215 763-2287.

Tomorrow: an update on projects and committee work that TAUP members have been involved in.

*Including the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) and the Faculty and Staff Federation of Community College of Philadelphia (FSFCCP.