Tuesday’s Rally, Negotiations Continue

On Tuesday, 400+ academic professionals, librarians, faculty, students, community members and labor and political allies sent a message to the administration through a strong show of solidarity with TAUP. 


Keep up the pressure by joining us at Open Bargaining tomorrow, Oct. 18th from 8:30am-Noon.
RSVP Here.

(Bargaining may be extended beyond noon if progress is made)


Our guests at the rally included political allies (click on links for videos): City Councilperson Helen GymState Representatives Malcolm KenyattaJoe Hohenstein and Chris Rabb (who sent a letter, read by TAUP VP Jennie Shanker).


We’ll be sharing more links to videos from the event in upcoming correspondence, including Leanne Finnegan talking about maternity for librarians, NTT Srimati Mukherjee discussing how her job and life has changed over her time at Temple, community member Jackie Wiggins and more.


Update on Bargaining

TAUP’s table team continued to bargain Tuesday afternoon and all day Wednesday.  On many non-economic issues, we’ve come to tentative agreements with the university. These include:

  • Limits on the use of Student Feedback Forms for personnel decisions
  • A way to subscribe for online notification of full-time faculty searches 
  • More access to sabbaticals for teaching/instructional, clinical, research, and practice faculty (NTTs)
  • Departmental guidelines on ranges for merit
  • A fact-finding step in grievances 
  • A clarification in merit for research-track faculty
  • Reduced probationary period for academic professionals

But on many of the non-economic issues most critical to TAUP members, we are still in discussion.  On economics, each side is making small shifts to move closer together, but we remain far apart. 

We have a bargaining session planned for tomorrow, Friday, October 17th from 8:30am – noon but both sides have made the rest of the day available if there is progress.

There will be no bargaining next week  due to scheduling issues on both sides of the table.