Tag: Jennie

Electing a New TAUP Vice President

Our strength as a union comes from every faculty member, AP and Librarian actively participating in our quest to build an even better Temple. With Jennie Shanker stepping down from her role as TAUP VP, we now need to elect a new Vice President to serve out the remainder of her term, which ends April 30, 2021. We encourage anyone interested in serving as Vice-President, or in getting involved in any other way, to reach out. Our bylaws set a deadline of 60 days after the vacancy opens–in this case, January 2nd–to elect a replacement.  All members in good standing are eligible to serve. Only members in good standing are eligible to vote.

Here is the timeline and process:

–Nominations are open from now until January 20th.  Candidates can be self-nominated or nominated by others.  If you are self-nominating, please send an email declaring your intention to stand for election.  Those nominated by others will be asked if they are willing to stand. Nominations should be sent to taupaft@gmail.com.

–Nominees will send information about their rank, track, and college/school and a statement of no more than 400 words as to why they are seeking the office.

–The Nominations Committee will review the nominees to make sure that they are members in good standing.

–The list of candidates and their statements will be distributed to dues-paying members, along with a link to the ballot on January 23rd.

–The ballot will be open from January 23rd to noon, January 31st.  Voting will occur electronically, with links to the ballot sent through email.  Members wishing for paper ballots must request them by January 20th by sending the request to taupaft@gmail.com .

–Results will be announced on January 31st and the new VP will take office on February 1.

We again thank Jennie Shanker for her extraordinary service to TAUP, and we look forward to receiving a strong group of nominees for Vice President.